Friday, May 26, 2017

"Meant To Be" By Lesly Arreci

I believe everything happens for a reason. I believe only God knows why things are meant to happen and if He wants when the time is right you'll know to.

 I remember one day we were in the car and the topic of regrets came up and my mom said, “Everyone has their own flaws and regrets and no matter how bad you mess up I will always be here and support you. Life is too short to be spend regretting the past. Know what you want and go for it, nothing in this world is impossible. There will always be a could have or a would have, pero todo pasa por algo solo Dios sabe porque las cosas pasa, no hay Nadie en esta vida que quedan arreglar algo en el passato".

 Meaning everything happens for a reason only God knows why things happen, there is nobody in this life that doesn't want to go back and change things. As I thought about it more I realized she was right. Along with time comes mistakes that brings wisdom and knowing what and what not to do next time. Without mistakes you can't learn from anything or change it next time around. Your regrets have an everlasting effect that makes you try to be a better person and try harder. Some things just aren't meant to be.

I remember reading this quote but I don't remember where I saw it but it said, “some people come into our lives as a blessing others are a lesson”. I remember this quote because people who come into your life and do damage weren't meant to stay in them, they bring lessons and teach you different things. Your regrets and mistakes make up you. Everything happens for a reason this I believe.

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