Monday, February 13, 2017

Berlin Memoral Blog

From the Berlin Memorial Activity, I learned that after Hitler came into power in 1933 he made over 400 laws towards Jews to prohibit them from their privileges. Some of theses laws include curfew, not allowed to buy certain foods, what they can't attend, not allowed to go to school, could be kicked out of there homes at any time, etc. I also learned Hitler tried to cover everything he did/ordered to be done in 1945. This Included laws that were passed and Jews that were still alive to be set free from concentration camps. 

   I think the Berlin Memorial monument was built to remember and never forget what happened. It’s important to remember and teach history to not repeat itself. It's a way to show Jew’s respect for what happened. The monument shows that what happened is still there and will never be forgotten. 

  I noticed that each year in The Holocaust there are different numbers of laws past. The years that have the most law's past are 1933, 1938, 1939, 1941, 1942. Other years like 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1940, 1943, 1944 are years that only a couple laws were passed. Up until 1945 when Hitler passed the law that all the laws against Jews would be destroyed to cover up what he did. I think the years with the only a couple laws passed were because Hitler was planning his final plan. 

  The restriction that I would have the most trouble dealing with is the prohibition of having pets. I have two little adorable dogs I would miss extremely. They are always there to greet me whenever i get home and they listen well.