Thursday, December 22, 2016


No DAPL, meaning No Dakota Access PipeLine is an Indigenous Community called the Sioux Tribe that is protesting for the government not to build a pipeline. The government wants to build a pipeline that will pass from North Dakota (through Indigenous Community's reserved land) to Illinois which can harm drinking water if there is an oil spill. This is located at Standing Rock, North Dakota where thousands of people (and different Indigenous Communities) have come to protest.

    On November 20th peaceful protesters were attacked by police and the National Guard. By using tear gas, rubber bullets, pepper spray, sound granada, and by spraying water cannons in subfreezing weather at the people. 160 people were injured, seven others were hospitalized. According to PBS, “ Morton County Sheriff’s Department said its officers responded to an ’ongoing riot,’...” This quote is stating that the officers that were attacking the protesting were attacking because they believed it was a riot (which means a violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd). But protesters say otherwise, according to a spokesperson by the name of Jade Begay, “told the Guardian that two bonfires were lit by activists for warmth and cooking, but that any others were started by weapons from law enforcements”. This quote is saying that law enforcement believed that the fires were started as a sign of violence but it   was started for warm and cooking. Any other fires that were lit were not from the protesters but from weapons of the law enforcement.

    After months of protesting the government told the “Water Protesters” they had to leave by December 5th. On December 5th, the government agreed they wouldn't build a the pipeline through Native American reserved land.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Nofiction Blog

                                                          Crime & Detection
                                                              by Brain Lane

     The nonfiction book I am reading is called Crime and Detection by Brian Lane which talks about many things including crime, dectection, law, punishment, and more. Crime is all over the world with different laws and punishments. Crime including theft/burglary, murder, forgery, fraud, kidnap prohibition, gangs, smuggling, and arson. Back then wanted signs would go up with rewards if brought into authority. Detectives are sent  when a crime is committed to figure out who committed the crime. There are different detectives meant for specific things (for example muder detectives). As time passed technogoly has advanced to identify the person who committed the crime. It is getting harder to commit a crime without getting caught.

    "THE MAFIA IS PROBABLY THE BEST-KNOWN organized crime gang in the world, but it is not the only one. Whenever dishonest money can be made from drugs, gambling, and moneylending, gangsters  organize themselves into powerful groups to lay claim to it. Like the mobsters of Prohibition times, gangsters defend their territory jealousy, and often violently, and new territories are constantly established." This passage seemed to interest me because it happens all over the world and it informed me of what happens. The topic gangs interests me because my cousin likes to watch tv shows about them and she will tell me about them.  

    While reading the nonfiction book Crime & Detection by Brain Lane, I learned about arson which is when a fire is purposely started by someone. I don't think I will forget this information because I always thought fires were an accident and it never occurred to me that someone could have started a fire to harm another or for other reasons. In the book it  says the first murder to be committed was Cain who killed his younger brother out of jeoulsy because God took Abel's sheep but rejected Cain's corn (according to the Bible). This interested me because I never thought when murder started happening. 

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