Sunday, January 22, 2017

Quarter 2 Reflection

          Quarter two went by so fast. I cant believe we're going to be graduating soon. Form quarter two I feel like I have done the most imporovent in vocabulary and my blogs. Before I was just familiar with very vaug words, but now instead of just using my vocabulary in ELA I notice myself saying vocabulary words outside of ELA and school. My blogs are improving, with more detail and deeper thinking.

           Since the new year I have accomplished noticing when I'm not on task and gettting back on task that I'm proud of. I am also on my 5th book on my 20 book challenge. I haven't really been reading a whole lot lately but I plan on improving that by 3rd quarter. Other goals that I have for 3rd quarter other than reading more is to do my work earlyier than it's due so I don't have to worry about it other than doing it a day before it's due.

         The most challenging thing in Quarter 2 for me was keeping up with everything. Meaning all the work turning in on time with quality. Listening and staying focus in class as well as making sure all my homework along with my other homework for other classes were finished by the next day. I overcame this by doing all my work fixing if needed, getting better at listening and staying on task, and doing my homework. I want to still improve on that for quarter three.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Book Talk

   "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" by, John Boyne is about Bruce who moves away with his family because of his fathers job and meets a boy in stripped pajamas. This was during The Holocaust when Jews were put into concentration camps. Bruce who wants to be an explorer sees the camp from his bedroom window and finds the boy. Bruce is clueless of what is going on. When the boy in stripped pajamas father goes missing Bruce is willing to help find him.

   I like this book because The Holocaust interests me and because it has a sad ending and I sometimes get emotional and atacked to characters. I remember the ending mostly. I would recommend this book to people who are interested in The Holocaust and people should read it because it is a very interesting and sad book.