I am also thankful that everyone in my life is healthy and for my parents. I am thankful that I am fortunate even to have all my family members to be with me and healthy. I am very thankful for my parents that have done everything they can to make me and my brother happy. Everything I have is because of them. Even though I may take them for gratened and don't tell them thank you as much as I should or tell them that I love them.
I am thankful for everyone and everything that I have in my Life including my annoying little brother. Even though I could be mean to my brother and he annoyes every second of my life I still love him. We may argue and fight over nonsense but at the end of the day we don't want to see the other one hurt. I may not be very close to my brother and don't tell him a lot but hes always there for me and make me laugh. He isn't the best person at giving advise but he does listen. I am thankful for him to be in my life even though I sometimes say otherwise. I am also thankful there is music in this world that I feel is a place to escape to. I can just plug in my headphones and listen and I can relate to what they say. I am thankful for everything in my life.
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