get released the next morning. When he was in the nurturing center Fiona helped his get Gabe and distract the guys that was after Jonas. In the book the author states, “Now at the bridge, hunched over on the bicycle, pedaling steadily” (163). Gabe is with Jonas’s family dwelling and he sleeps in Jonas’s room. Some ways the movie and book are the same is by Jonas taking Gabe with him when he escapes and when Jonas left he took a bike. A difference from the book and the movie is in the book Fiona was assigned to taking care of the elders and in the movie she was assigned as a nurturer. Fiona’s assignment was different because in the movie if she wasn't a nurturer Jonas wouldn't have been able to take Gabe with him and instead be caught by someone else and the guys that were after Jonas would have caught him.
There are many differences in the setting from the book and the movie. For example elsewhere in the book is far away and in the movie elsewhere is near the edge. In the book rivers divide the communities which Jonas has to pass in order to get to elsewhere. In the movie Jonas has to jump from the edge he lands on land where elsewhere is located. In the movie they chose to do it this way because the guys that were following Jonas would eventually caught him but since he jumped off the edge they couldn't chase him anymore. In the book they put it this way because Jonas would have to go through a journey to get to elsewhere with only the planes looking for him. Because of these changes, it changes the story by, in the book Jonas and Gabe could eat the scraps of the family units in their dwelling. In the movie it doesn't take long to get to elsewhere.
The movie The Giver gave me a better understanding of The Giver. When Jonas and Gabe sled down the mountain and pass the tower, the memories The Giver gave Jonas all went back to the community. It was a better understanding of what happened because I could visualize it and I didn't understand how the memories were sent back to the community in the book because I didn't see what happened. The movie The Giver gives a better understanding of The Giver because your can visualise
it. The Giver transmits the memories to Jonas by grabbing his arms and giving him the memories that he thinks he's in. When the Giver transmits the memories to Jonas the movie gives a better understanding by visualizing how he gives Jonas the memories.
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